Wednesday, September 15, 2010


 Composition: This photo is off balance, but that is how I planned it. The picture has a lot of contrast, as well as movement. 

Concept: Sometimes in life you just need to freeze, take a step back, and look at what is going on around you. 

Method: There wasn't a strict method to the production of this photograph. I decided to just go out with a fellow classmate and start goofing around. I did move her into the shade so her white skirt would stand out more, and I convinced her to jump even though she didn't want to.

Motivation: My motivation came from freedom and playfulness. At the time it was taken I was out of class and I wanted to be outside. So I made the picture work outdoors. 

Context: Again I wasn't looking at any other photographers before I took this picture.

Interpretation: Again not a lot of interpreting other than it looked like she was frozen in time. People seemed to enjoy the contrast and elegance of the photo.

Evaluation: I love the contrast of her black tank and white skirt. I love the movement, but if I was going to work with something I would probably have chosen a different background. Looking at it now however, I don't hate it as much as I did when I first looked at the photo, so its growing on me.

Extension: I could join it with other images of the same model doing different activities throughout her days. Then have a write-up/story on the meaning behind each photo.

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