Wednesday, November 3, 2010


A. There are many ways you could start a series of photographs. You could use the same subject matter over and over again in a different environment. Another would be to find a similar theme in each of your shots. Maybe try something more subtle like high contrast photos, or use the same kind of lighting. You could shoot a bunch of different objects all from the same angle. Or use something to show changes through time. The possibilities are endless.

B. Trees are a really big inspiration for me. If I have the time, for my final project I would love to incorporate my sculpture class. I would like to make a big tree out of some kind of material, with pretty fall leaves collected from outside. And then from the branches I would hang many pictures. The theme of the pictures could be one of two different things. I could use all my old photos from this class to show my progress and how I grew (ha a little tree pun there). Or I could take new photographs of things that have help shaped me throughout my life. Like my family, my friends, my high school, Michigan State University, my hometown, etc.

1 comment:

  1. could you make trees out of different materials and photograph them in different places? each could represent something about you. the material you use and the place you put the tree could relate to your growth??? this might make the project possible if you can't make the tree you have envisioned.
