Wednesday, December 1, 2010

#25: Final Project Motivations

My motivation for this final project comes from the people that have been there for me, at some point or another, in my lifetime. These are the ones that stick around through the good and the bad. They are the special people that help me back up when I fall down.
I'm very interested in this subject of friendship because its personal and I hold these people close to my heart. I want to convey three things. What they look like, a part of who they are as an individual, and our relationship/friendship. I want my viewers to take these photographs in and then begin thinking about the special people in their own life. I want the viewers to feel thankful for the friends they have. I want to make them think and appreciate. 
My project also reveals a part of my own world, and the people that take place, and importance in my life. 
These are the people that I love.

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